My first Christmas at Glen Aplin was MAGICAL, the words to express the friendship, love, joy, it was absolutely fabulous. From the moment I woke to when I rested my head on the pillow that night was great. The country welcome from new friends was like I had known them forever.
My man woke up at 2.30 am and wanted to have present time. A woman would say “yes please”, I said go back to sleep it is too early. Then when I wake up for present time, he is asleep. We both have our own favourite coffee from coffee beans no instant coffee for us. My man does make my coffee just the way I like it, he prefers to make his own. I have tried and failed.
So, it is now present time!! We are both thrilled with our presents, there were a few the best was a leather cowboy hat for my man and a brush cutter for me. I hear you a brush cutter, this was what I wanted and need for my land at Glen Aplin.
I have been living at Glen Aplin for 1 month now, while I am waiting for the delivery of my house to the land which will be mid-January. I am staying in a cabin at Sabo’s on Severn at Glen Aplin, about 1 kilometre from my home. View here http://sabosonsevern.com.au/

Christmas breakfast we used the kitchen in the main house and cooked Lizzie, Joe, Mike, and my breakfast. We prepared a plate of scramble eggs with salmon, limes, chives, and croissants served with chilled French Champagne. Over the breakfast table lots of conversation, laughs and exchanging of gifts, great friendships are forming that will last for many Christmases to come.
Time for a walk around the beautiful garden of Sabo’s on Severn, breathing in the fresh air listening to the silence of nature and having a grateful heart and just be living in the moment.
Time for lunch fit for Kings and Queens. We had lobster tails, prawns, oysters natural and kilpatrick, salads and of course more French Champagne, with great conversation, laughter, and giggles.

I am learning many lessons about life, love and living a minimalistic lifestyle. Coming from a 3-bedroom house to a cosy cabin with a fireplace (love a wood fire in winter) with limited cooking items and a small frig. Also, I have 1/10 of my wardrobe with me and WOW for a woman who loves fashion, handbags, and jewellery this has been the BIGGEST lesson to live minimalistic.
I am used to working 6 days a week in my beauty studio on the Gold Coast, which I closed in August 2021 because of Covid. I miss ‘making love to client’s skin’, this has been my passion for 41 years, the ladies of Glen Aplin and surrounding areas will be receiving awesome skin treatments at Aplin Cottage opening February 2022.
What I have learnt is that we need less of items we have and more love in our lives. We think and feel that material items in life will make us happy. What we need is to love ourselves first, meet that perfect partner to love, find a career like we are never working a day in our life, smell the roses while we are living. Living off the land with fresh produce from the local farms, laugh a lot, smile, and enjoy the fine wines in the area.
There are no pockets in coffins so enjoy your money now!
Today is the 31st of December 2021, time to say farewell to the year and welcome 2022. Will take pictures of the evening and share my New Year’s blog in a few days.
Remember Self-love, Self-care and a little selfish.
Ciao for now

I enjoyed reading your story Debbie. Very true what you say and what is important in life. ?
Happy New Year – 2022 will see your dreams come to fruition.
Lovely Debbie , I enjoyed to read your thoughts and writings .. I wish you every blessing for 2022, and much love and happiness . It will be super when your house finally arrives and you have your home on site ? take care dear friend , happy new year .. much love Janice xx ????