Frustration – The feeling of being upset or annoyed as a result of being unable to change or achieve something.
It has been a struggle over the past 5 month, all my plans have not come to fruition, I have lived like a gypsy in a small cabin with Benji my dog and I am frustrated, annoyed and angry!
At times in our life, we need to tell the truth. On the outside we can be all smiles, and everything is ok, yet on the inside we are crumbling and exhausted. I have thought to myself is this best to share in a blog and podcast to my followers? Yes, it is, because it will release my feelings, make you see what has happened and we can all learn from the experience.
In March 2020 I had opened a new premise for my skin studio at West Burleigh and COVID 19 hit and we went into lock down. It was 3 months of no business, income, and very stressful time. Now looking back, it would have been best to have cancelled my lease and focused my investment into the online skincare http://www.doorofyouth.com
My personality is a little stubborn and persistent in achieving a goal. July 2020 the doors of the skin studio reopened, and I was ready to build the business looking after my clients. If you are in business, you will appreciate the amount of money that is invested to build a solid business with a successful income.
In life and business, it has been a roller coaster over the past 20+ years for me and the skin studio at West Burleigh was becoming the biggest roller coaster of my life. One day I realised that I was just surviving, giving all my energy, 6 days a week and getting to burn out. I was starting to resent the lack of success, with giving all the time, money and of myself into the business. With COVID it has affected so many businesses and for me the beauty profession as in facial treatments were becoming a luxury spend and people where not spending their money so freely as the future was unknown. The online skincare sales where on the increase as ladies will always look after their skin in the comfort of their home.
Conversations with financial advisors it was brought to my attention that good money was being spent into a sinking business. What will I do? Invest more money or put on my big girl pants and have the courage to close the business? Also, I had to view my future security, being a single lady, where will I live when in my late 60’s and will my income cover my rent and lifestyle.
I closed the business August 14th, 2021.
I LOVE my profession and so excited to be opening “Aplin Cottage Beauty” February
2022 at Glen Aplin. My spirits were lifted this week when I had two txt messages from Gold Coast Clients asking when they can visit “Aplin Cottage Beauty” for a weekend and have their beauty treatments.
Ladies you can visit for one night or 2 nights, weekend or mid-week experience the country lifestyle, visit the Cheese Factory, Wineries and have your beauty pampering treatments. Have a look at https://www.debbiemajella.com bookings are opening soon or txt 0404 528 923.
Let’s look at why my frustration levels are thru the roof?
I bought a house from a House removalist company and in the house contract it read that that the house would be on the land approx. October 2021. Being a Capricorn I am very organised, have a folder from A – Z, the check list, ask lots of questions and get things done.
My lease on the Gold Coast was due for renewal on 8th October 2021. In conversations with the House removalist, they knew the date and plan to do their best for the house to be on the land. I gave notice at the rental 8th September 2021 and started packing. I was so excited, new website being designed for Aplin Cottage, setting my goals, and visualising my future in the country.
The 8th October was getting close and then I was informed the house would not be delivered in time. Or maybe is would have been best if they had told me before I gave notice at my rental house, that the house would not be delivered till February 2022.
My heart stopped beating, what am I going to do, where will I live, where will store all my belongings, my skincare business where will I store the stock, what is going to happen…….
I had two choices, sit in the corner and cry, have my own self-pity party OR step-up and do what had to be done.
The 8th October arrived, and the furniture removalist arrives at 7 am, with an attitude he got out of the wrong side of the bed. Then halfway through the packing of furniture he says, “I won’t fit it all on the truck” WTF, I then lost it and cried. Nothing was falling into place, and I was feeling insecure & frustration levels on the increase.
My fabulous friend Debbie C goes on to Google and organises a Truck for me to pick up on Monday at the GC. Now txt the landlady of the rental to explain that the garage is full of furniture and will pick up Monday. All ok she will contact the new tenants moving in that they won’t have access to garage till Monday afternoon.
Furniture removalists are on their way to Glen Aplin. I best leave the GC and drive to Glen Aplin to make sure all the furniture is placed in the 2 x 20-foot containers. Once at Glen Aplin I stay in a cabin for the weekend with Benji, Monday drive to the GC 3 ½ hours, drop my car at Debbie C, as she is helping me, pick-up truck, go to varsity lakes and friends assist in packing the truck then drive 3 ½ hours to Glen Aplin. There are times when a person must pull up their socks and just get things done. No time for a self-pity party at this time.
It rained on the drive to Glen Aplin and I prayed a lot driving the truck. Debbie C and I did have a giggle along the way, at times like this we must laugh instead of crying. Here I am on the driver’s seat of the truck, the seat goes up and down when over a pump and we just laugh.
Get to Glen Aplin and it is raining! The plants are removed from the truck in the rain at my dearest friends Lizzie and Joe. Then off to the land and unpack the furniture into the container. Thank God it stops raining and again we laugh and giggle as we use the lift on the truck to move the furniture. Once all done back to www.sabosonserven.com.au where the cabin is, Lizzie says are you ok as she gives me a hug. I was cold, wet, sad, and yet still smiled and said I am ok. Lizzie gave us dinner, Debbie C and I enjoy the dinner a glass of wine and in bed by 7.30pm, as we must get up early the next morning drive back to GC to return the truck.
Question – How would you have handled this situation?
I stay with Debbie C on the Gold Coast each day waiting for a date from the house removalist. Waiting was very tiring and frustration, I did my best to keep my daily routine, as walk Benji in the morning, do email marketing for www.doorofyouth.com and social media too.
My personality is being in my own space, and I enjoy my own company.
The month of October rolls into November and no date for house delivery. I feel the need to visit Glen Aplin, catch up with friends and stay a week at www.sabosonserven.com.au in one of the dog friendly cabins.
November 23rd, I drive to Glen Aplin and it is like coming home. I love the country scenery as I am driving, favourite coffee place that I stop on the way and the driving time is enjoyable. Arriving at Sabos on Serven I am welcomed like a family member and that night we have dinner together with great conversation.
My week visiting Glen Aplin is now 11 weeks staying in the Poppy cabin. I am so grateful for the availability to be in a cabin, as it is booked up most of the year.
You may be thinking, how nice to be in staying in a cabin in the country. It is beautiful to wake to the birds and the rooster, see the kangaroos in the fields, the crisp cool mornings. Yet it is not my home.
Here I am now 5 months of waiting, my frustration and patience are making me sad and unhappy.
Then I say to myself, change your mindset, do EFT (emotional freedom tapping) read your goals, your vision for the future. I do all of this yet; I have had enough of the waiting.
I have a Teddy bear that I gave to my mum when she was in her own unit at aged care. She named him Claude, Mum use to hold him on her lap and when mum was transferred to single room in the area of aged care, Claude was her companion. Mum was very confused and waited to go back to her unit, she was 92 years old.
My mum passed away 3 years in April, and I have Claude and he has her rosary beads around this neck and body. Claude was not packed away; he came with me with I left the house at Varsity Lakes as in my mind mum was always watching over me and with me. Yesterday I played with Claude’s ears and said a prayer to mum to give me strength.
The House removalist have said today Friday 5th February they will have a delivery date for the house. I have the faith it will be true and have the attitude of gratitude.
The phone call came on Friday and no update, I am shattered and so upset, have to wait another week.
When the house does arrive, the fun will begin!!
Derek a local builder will build the stairs, repair the floor and rewall the bedrooms. The house is a reconnect for plumbing and electricity which is a few days work. The new sewerage is 2 days, so I am believing that 2 weeks once the house is on the land, I will be living in Aplin Cottage.
It will be so exciting to unpack all my belongings, place the furniture and set up my for ever home.
Then ladies will start visiting Aplin Cottage Beauty for their self-love, self-care and a little selfish getaways and beauty treatments. This is my happy place, and my love tank will be overflowing again.
If you are struggling in life, business, or relationship, reach out and let’s book a chat over the phone, as we need to express and release our frustrations.
Be kind to yourself and fill your love tank first!!
Ciao for now
Debbie Majella – A woman of persistence

A woman of persistence indeed. You will never know how many lives you have touched, inspired and given new ambition to. You deserve real success and you will certainly have it. Your mum is so proud of you I know. Thank you for sharing. That in itself takes courage. All the very best beautiful Debbie. Much love and respect ✊????
Hi Lyn
Appreciate your kind words, yes Valma (Mum) is shining her light on me everyday. The house is coming together all tradesmen are working there this week. Will be sleeping At Aplin Cottage in 2 weeks. XX
Hi Debbie, how I felt for you as I read this, I could relate to your frustration and sadness, you really are a woman of substance. Is your home ? happening now? I would love to drive to Glen Aplin with my lovely John, see your lovely home, and have a beauty treatment. Hang in there special lady, you are nearly there ???❤??
Hi Shirley
It is all coming together this week!! The Tradesmen are all there getting it ready for me to sleep in. In 2 weeks will be sleeping in my forever home Aplin Cottage
Talk soon
Debbie xx
You are an amazing person So many challenges and there you find your true friends reaching out.No wonder you inspire people Tony and I moved 11 times with 5 children and once interstate We hired Rent a Wreck on a couple of moves and omg they stopped in busy intersections and died or didn’t fit everything in etc You do have to laugh or cry ❤️❤️