Have you ever had to walk into a charity shop and ask for help? Food voucher to feed your family, clothing as your children were cold, no money to pay rent or fuel in the car to get to the kids to school, need a place to sleep or a bed to sleep in?
Do you know that I became a single mother when my son was 5 months old? My husband John had an affair while I was pregnant, so the marriage was over!! What a journey it has been with my son Corbin who is now 33 years old, and I am one proud Mumma xx
Corbin was visiting the Gold Coast a few weekends back; we stayed up late talking about life’s fabulous experiences and the challenges. We were talking about my 6-week job as “Relief Retail Manager” at Vinnies. Corbin recalled the time when we had NO money for food, and I went to Salvation Army for a food voucher. There were a few tears in our eyes as we talked and shared loving memoires.
It is not only the pandemic that changed people’s lives, but people have also been living in poverty for centuries. Also, many adults in life are a reflection of their environment, their parents have been on welfare for generations, and they just follow their lead.
There are wonderful stories we hear and read about a person who came from poverty to achieves a rich life and congratulations to them. I am sure it was a lot of persistence, determination and with the assistance of a mentor, self-education, or spiritual guidance.
Country life has opened my eyes to how community support each other and when people are in need. The last week of October 2023 fires roared thru towns North of Stanthorpe at Dalveen and South at Wallangarra. The community of local fire fighters and then from interstates rescued the community and evacuation centre set up Warwick, Stanthorpe, and Tenterfield.
Being a FAN of charity shops for many years, of course I visited the charity shops in Stanthorpe. WOW have I scored some great bargains. One day a Vinnies volunteer said hello and a conversation blossomed, (whose name is Debbie, must be a nice lady).
I discovered that Vinnies were looking for volunteers and within a week after police checks and volunteer application. I was a volunteer!!
I LOVE the country lifestyle; the country has been in my heart since my birth in Toowoomba, Qld in 1960. I believe I would still be living in Toowoomba if my parents didn’t move to the Gold Coast in1975. Though I wouldn’t be living in Stanthorpe today if they hadn’t.
Living by myself and in a new community, being a volunteer at Vinnies has become one of the highlights of my week. The fellow volunteers are all so friendly, hard workers and always have a smile on their face.
Morning teatime is a favourite time to get to know the other volunteers. We all bring our personalities to the table and have a lot to offer. The ladies who love to cook bring in morning tea and homemade jams and chutney, so yummy!!
To my surprise what the community donates is amazing, household furniture, kitchen item, linen, shoes, clothes the list goes on…… the ladies and men in the sorting shed do an amazing job.
Volunteering and seeing what goes on behind the scenes to support the community has given me a better understanding for supporting the needy.
The opportunity was there to be “Relief Retail Manager” for 6 weeks, is my 4th week starting Monday 6th November 2023. I am enjoying every day and getting my steps up to 13,000 a day!! When a person walks in for welfare and assistance in life, we welcome them with a smile and do what we can at that time.
Is your wardrobe busting at the seams…….? Time to declutter and donate to your local chosen charity!! While you are there have a look around you may discover some treasures.
The money spent will assist someone in need!
Remember:A SMILE will change a person’s day……
We have 2 ears and 1 mouth so listen more at times……Each day uplift, inspire and encourage all the people you see……If you need assistance in life, help is always there for YOU, no judgement.
Much love and respect to those who have read my words and please leave a positive comment.
Debbie Majella

Images from Age Newspaper and Vinnies on Google.
Beautifully written heartfelt words – right place and right time they say- and I’m positive this applies to your Volunteer chapter. The locals will love having you in their country fold.
Hi Kathy
The country community is a welcoming change to the hustle of the city life. Come visit xx
Thankyou Debbie for sharing your journeys of life.Your positive ,inspiring personality is felt thru our community.I’m so glad you came to the Granite Belt, your a wonderful friend 🌹💛🌸
Beautifully written Debbie. Yes i like working here at Vinnies. I love meeting people and have made some friendship with some of them even though i know the community of Stanthorpe but there is always new people coming in. Yes the donation are great and get some beautiful bargins. I became a volunteer here at Vinnies nearly 4 years ago and love it out in the sorting shed working with the crew that i work with. I needed to do something instead of staying home and dwelling on life. There is alway place for anyone who would like to join the team as a volunteer.
Hi Judy
We are fortunate to living in the country and vinnies offers so much to many people from different walks of life. 🙂
I started as a Volunteer 10 years ago after a conversation with another Debbie….it’s all in the name.