I am here for you ………. and I have been where you are right now. You are confused, a little angry and just want life to be better. Do you think “how can I change my life”?
Let me be your SELF-LOVE Concierge xx
Let me share a story with you how EFT (emotional freedom tapping) changed the thoughts of my mind and my life.
I meet a lady who was an EFT practitioner about 10 years ago at a Women’s Networking group on the Gold Coast. I was gobsmacked how this simple tapping technique can change our thoughts, feelings, and past experiences from a negative to positive. So, I signed up for an 8-week EFT mentoring.
I recall sharing with Sally, thoughts of my past that were holding me back from being successful in life, marriage, and business. There is an important point I need to share here, is that we sometimes do marry the wrong person and that is what I had done the 2nd time. No tapping was going to change his narcissist personality.
As my EFT (emotional freedom tapping) journey is personal and what my future clients share with me is locked in the privacy vault, I would like to share 1 on my EFT sessions with you.
We were doing the sessions on skype (don’t laugh) as now all is done on Zoom.
At the beginning of my last mentoring session, I recall saying “I have cleared everything I need to and now just build my future” Sally said “I will tap and you just follow me” so we started the tapping, and I don’t remember what words Sally said.
Well, the tears and sobbing were uncontrollable, I kept tapping and when the session was finished, Sally said “what was that all about”? My words were “RESENTMENT” from when I was 15 years old, and I shared with her what happened.
EFT (emotional freedom tapping) is powerful, yet we have triggers that cause us to go spiral to that event in our life and when this happens, we quickly work on what caused the trigger.
My background is health and beauty with 42 years in the profession and Founder of Door of Youth Skincare.
I am excited to announce that I am now a Certified EFT Practitioner and will add this modality to the ‘Self-Love, Self-Care and A Little Selfish” Mentoring, I offer to Women throughout Australia via Zoom.
Here are a few questions to ponder.
- Feeling of not worthy.
- Are you an overthinker
- Is your mind always chit chat
- Stressed at times or all the time
- Anxiety stopping you from living a full life
- Feel resentment
- Have suffered abandonment
- No self-confidence
- Eat for comfort.
So How Does EFT It All Work?
The basic Tapping technique requires you to focus on a negative emotion at hand. This can be a fear, a worry, or any unresolved problem. While maintaining your mental focus on this issue, you use your fingertips to tap 5-7 times on 9 specific meridian points of the body.
Tapping on meridian points sends a calming signal to the brain, letting your brain know it’s safe to relax. So, for example, when you receive bad news from your boss or you begin to worry about future events, it triggers a part of your brain called the amygdala.
When you think of the amygdala, one word should come to mind: Fear………
This part of the brain is responsible for triggering the stress response in our bodies, releasing stress-related hormones into the bloodstream. Also popularly known as the fight-or-flight response, it is the body’s natural reaction to a perceived threat.
The problem is, we tend to have our amygdala in charge way more often than we want.
The amygdala’s response is effective when you’re faced with real-life danger but damaging when you want to feel calm and confident during a high-stakes meeting. And most of the time when this is happening in your body, you aren’t experiencing the fight-or-flight (or freeze) response for the same reason that our ancestors did long ago were. There is no tiger in the woods, but the response in your body is still the same.
Tapping on these meridian points (the same used in acupressure) while you think about what is causing you stress helps your mind understand that you are not in any physical danger and it is safe to relax, reducing cortisol levels.
Tapping gives you the opportunity to bring your life back into balance and reduce stress around your relationships, finances, weight, pain, fears, and so much more.
Would you like to start your EFT mentoring? The first 10 Ladies to book will receive 50% off.
$30 for your first 30-minute EFT mentoring.
TXT EFT to 0404 528 923, with a day and time that suit you for EFT Self-Love Chat or book online https://aplincottagebeauty.as.me/Selflovechat
Here is Dr Peta Stapleton explaining EFT Tapping.
I look forward to connecting with you,
Your Self-Love Concierge
Debbie Majella xx